Welcome Class24 - The #1 Most Trusted and fully User-friendly Online exam preparation app for compet...
Welcome Class24 - The #1 Most Trusted and fully User-friendly Online exam preparation app for competitive exams. we offer a flawless online experience for all major Competitive exams for FREE. With various sectors such as railways, banking, SSC, etc., exams like SSC CGL, SSC GD, CHSL, MTS, GATE, REET, CCC, RSCIT, PATWARI, HIGH COURT GROUP D, RAJASTHAN SI, AIRFORCE, NAVY, ARMY, NDA, UPSC CDS, CTET, RRB NTPC, RRB GROUP D, RRB JE, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SSC CPO, IBPS PO, DRDO MTS, DRMC, CIL, LIC Assistant Mains CUET, CUCET, etc., we aim at providing the best Preparation & learning environment with an end-to-end preparation model. We’ve introduced free mock tests Subject wise and Exam Wise.CUET 2022 Exam Prep AppClass24 is an Online Exam Platform for All Competition Subjects and All Government Exams, Thousand of Questions Mock Tests: SSC, Banking, RRBWant to UP your TEST preparation? Download the App to Start your Exam Preparation Now. Toppers prefer TestUp for Exam Preparation.You will get a Subject wise test that will be helpful for the following exams:1) Bank Exam Preparation: IBPS PO, SBI PO, RBI Assistant, SBI Clerk, IBPS Clerk & other Bank Exams2) SSC Exam Preparation: SSC CGL MTS CPO CHSL GD Constable3) Railway Exam: RRB NTPC, ALP, RRC Group D & other RRB Exams4) Police Exam Preparation: UP Police, MP Police Constable, Bihar Police Constable, Rajasthan Police, Delhi Police, Haryana Police परीक्षा5) Insurance Exam Preparation: LIC AAO, ESIC, OICL, NICL AO, UIIC AO, NIACL AO & others6) Regulatory Body Exams: RBI, SEBI, NABARD7) State-wise Govt Job Exams - Rajasthan Exams, UP Exams, MP Exams, Bihar Exams, and Haryana Exams others8) EPFO Exam Preparation - UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer (EO), EPFO Assistant9) NRA CET Exam - Common Eligibility Test for IBPS, SSC & Railway Recruitments10) UPSC Exams: UPSC CDS, NDA, IAS, AFCAT11) Defence Exams: Airforce X group, Airforce Y group, Airforce XY group, Navy, Army Clerk, Army GD12) Teaching Related Exams: BSCT PTET REET B.ED CTET 2nd & 1st grade13) Computer-Related Exams: CCC RSCIT14) Rajasthan State Exams: RPSC, REET, Rajasthan SI, Rajasthan Patwari, Rajasthan Police Constable, High Court, BDO, Gram Sevak14) CUET-UG- CUET (CUCET)These Subjects are included :1. Daily Current Affairs | free करंट अफेयर्स । रोजाना डेली करंट अफेयर्स GK test2. English । Grammar । अंग्रेजी । व्याकरण3. Math | गणित4. Reasoning l Logical | रीजनिंग । तर्कशक्ति परीक्षण5. Computer Knowledge | कम्प्यूटर सामान्य ज्ञान6. Economics । अर्थव्यवस्था7. Geography । भूगोल8. Hindi Grammar । हिंदी व्याकरण9. History । Modern History । इतिहास । मध्यकालीन इतिहास । आधुनिक इतिहास । प्राचीन इतिहास10. Science । Physics | Chemistry | Biology | विज्ञान । भौतिकी । रसायन । जीव विज्ञान11. Polity । Politics and Constitution | राजनीति । संविधान एवं राजव्यवस्था12. Psychology and Child Development । मनोविज्ञान एवं बाल विकास13. Sanskrit । संस्कृत । व्याकरण14. Rajasthan General Knowledge । राजस्थान सामान्य ज्ञान | GKWhy Class24-Bilingual: To enable students the preparations in their preferred language for every Online Test.Subject Wise Tests- You will get here Thousands of questions in Subject wise Tests.Exam Wise Tests- You will get here Thousands of questions in Exam wise Tests.Install the Class24 app today & get the latest exam-related updates. Our Online Tests | Mock Tests | Test Series | and Quizzes are designed to build your confidence.Our team is here to help with all your Exam queries. Fight your Exam preparations with us!Disclaimer: The app does not have any connection with the Government and it does not represent any Government entity.Source Of Content: Test Series and MCQs Test are developed by our subject matter expert if anybody finds any issue then kindly report us at our email id.If you find any problem with intellectual property violation or DMCA rules break then please mail us at [email protected]